Cours de clôture: 1 508.00 (-2.00), 5. nov 2024
Key ratios


Dividend yield: 0.4%

chart DSV - Dividend yield

P/E: 33.3

chart DSV - P/E

P/S: 2.3

chart DSV - P/S

P/B: 5.0

chart DSV - P/B

Dividend per share: 6.38

chart DSV - Dividend per share

Earnings per share: 45.28

chart DSV - Earnings per share

Revenue per share: 665.93

chart DSV - Revenue per share

Book value per share: 299.20

chart DSV - Book value per share

Market cap million DKK: 362 590.

De siste nøkkeltallene er beregnet ut fra de fire siste kvartalsrapportene og sluttkurs 1 508.00 fra 5. nov 2024.

Financial data

Revenues50 86967 74774 90179 05394 701115 932182 306235 665150 785160 120
Profit for the year2 0581 6783 0123 9883 7064 25811 25417 67112 40710 887
Profit margin4.0 %2.5 %4.0 %5.0 %3.9 %3.7 %6.2 %7.5 %8.2 %6.8 %
Book value11 80913 37814 80914 53249 31947 29774 27871 51968 70371 940
Equity ratio42.7 %33.1 %38.6 %37.4 %50.6 %49.1 %46.0 %45.1 %46.9 %45.6 %
Revenue per share299.25366.32402.63424.95477.63500.79801.341 076.10688.52748.22
Book value per share69.4772.3479.6178.12248.74204.31326.50326.57313.71336.17
Earnings per share8.566.9812.5316.5915.4117.7146.8173.4951.6045.28
Dividend per share1.201.381.551.742.063.855.205.926.386.38
Dividend payout10 %15 %10 %8 %11 %21 %11 %7 %11 %13 %

Dividend yield

chart DSV - Dividend yield
Dividend yield is the company's share dividend in relation to the share price. It is a measure of return to shareholders. Dividend yield is calculated as Dividend per share/Share price.

Dividend yield for DSV is 0.4%.

P/E - price/earnings

chart DSV - P/E
P/E stands for Price/Earnings, that is, share price in relation to the earnings per share. The key figures are used when assessing a share price in relation to the company's profit. Example: A P/E number of 10 means that the share costs 10 times the company's annual profit. P/E is calculated as Share price/Earnings after tax per share.

P/E for DSV is 33.3.

P/S - price/sales

chart DSV - P/S
P/S stands for Price/Sales, that is price relative to sales. The key figures are used when evaluating a share price in relation to the company's sales. Example: A P/S number of 2.0 means that the stock costs 2.0 times the company's annual turnover. P/S is calculated as Share price/Revenue per share.

P/S for DSV is 2.3.

P/B - price/book

chart DSV - P/B
P/B stands for Price/BookValue, that is price relative to equity. The key figures are used when evaluating a share price in relation to book equity. Example: A P/B figure of 1.8 means that the share costs 1.8 times the company's equity. P/B is calculated as Share price/Equity per share

P/B for DSV is 5.0.

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