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Tous les indices - Moyen terme
OMX Stockholm Health C5. nov 2024
OMX Stockholm Real Est5. nov 2024
Sinch5. nov 2024
Volvo A5. nov 2024
Hufvudstaden A5. nov 2024

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OMX Stockholm PI (OMXSPI) moved more or less horizontally on mardi and closed at 982 points (-0.0 percent).

354 shares showed a gain and 543 showed a loss. 88 shares were unchanged and closed at the same price as the previous day. There was no trading in 69 shares.

Total value of the trading volume for shares and primary capital certificates mardi was approximately 16.1 billion.

AstraZeneca (AZN) closed at 1412 kronor after a steep drop of 7.8 percent. We must go back to juillet 3. 2023 to find an equally steep drop. That time l'action lost 7.9 percent. It was also high volume. Overall it was traded for 1286 millions kronor in l'action, which is five times as much as normal daily turnover. Nor technically does it look good. L'action is trend wise positive in the medium term, but has marginally broken down through the support at 1420 kronor.
Evolution (EVO) declined slightly 0.5 percent and ended the day at 995 kronor. L'action has now closed down for the eighth day in a row. L'action is trend wise negative in the medium term.
Saniona (SANION) ended with a solid gain of 34.4 percent and closed at 5.18 kronor. We must go back to mars 3. 2023 to find an equally strong rise. That time l'action gained 41.2 percent. It was also very high volume. Overall it was traded for 22 millions kronor in l'action, which is 20 times as much as normal daily turnover. Technically it also looks good. L'action is trend wise positive in the medium term and a further increase is indicated.
Revolutionrace (RVRC) closed at 39.52 kronor after a steep drop of 16.2 percent. We must go back to août 16. 2022 to find an equally steep drop. That time l'action lost 34.5 percent. It was also very high volume. Overall it was traded for 88 millions kronor in l'action, which is 14 times as much as normal daily turnover. Nor technically does it look good. L'action is trend wise negative in the medium term, has broken down through the support at 42.00 kronor and a further decline is indicated.
Nobia (NOBI) closed at 4.40 kronor after posting a loss of 14.4 percent. L'action has never lost more in one day since février 20, when it was down 28.0 percent. L'action broke down through the support at 4.95 kronor in formation tęte-épaules. This triggered a sell signal on increasing volume and a further drop to 3.95 kronor within four months is indicated. It was also very high volume. Overall it was traded for 48 millions kronor in l'action, which is 11 times as much as normal daily turnover.

US 500 rises on mardi
The market moved up mardi, and S&P 500 (SP500) ended at 5783 points, which is an increase of 1.2 percent.

OMX Stockholm PI
arrow green   Candidat positif intéressant
OMX Stockholm PI fluctue dans un canal haussier et une progression poursuivant le canal haussier est indiquée. En cas de corrections ā la baisse il y a du support en bas du canal haussier. L'indice fluctue entre le support ā environ 970 points et la résistance ā environ 1010 points. Un franchissement d'un des deux niveaux peut indiquer la direction de développement ā venir. L'indice est considéré comme positif technique pour moyen long terme.
S&P 500
arrow green   Candidat positif intéressant
S&P 500 progresse fortement dans un canal haussier. Pour la suite, la progression reste bien orientée et il y a du support en bas du canal haussier. L'indice fluctue entre le support ā environ 5660 points et la résistance ā environ 5860 points. Un franchissement d'un des deux niveaux peut indiquer la direction de développement ā venir. L'indice est considéré comme positif technique pour moyen long terme.
Cas du jour
Sinch (SINCH) Cours 32.65, 5. nov 2024
Sinch progresse fortement dans un canal haussier. Pour la suite, la progression reste bien orientée et il y a du support en bas du canal haussier. Le titre a franchi un niveau de résistance sur le court terme et la stratégie de trading range court terme a donné un signal d'achat. L'action a marginalement franchi la résistance ā environ 32.60 kronor. Un franchissement établi et persistant peut indiquer une poursuite de la hausse. La balance des volumes donne maintenant une indication positive, c'est-ā-dire, une liquidité élevée sur les jours de hausse et une liquidité réduite sur les jours de baisse. Sur le court terme, cela renforce le sentiment positif envers la valeur. L'indicateur RSI est suracheté. Cependant, la valeur peut continuer ā croître et on doit observer une baisse de la courbe de l'indicateur RSI avant d'utiliser cela comme un signal de vente. L'action est généralement considéré comme positif technique pour moyen long terme.
Recommendation: Positif
Index du jour précédent
CL (OIL)0.73%71.99
Estimations d'index
CL (OIL)neutralneutralneutral

C: Court terme.    M: Moyen terme.    L: Long terme .
Baromčtre de bourse
Stockholmsbörsen - Moyen terme
24% 50% 26%
 264 Candidats positifs intéressants
 555 A surveiller
 283 Candidats négatifs intéressants
Track what the insiders are doing! Insider buys in green, insider sales in red.
   Mois dernier:
   83% Positif
   344 Positif
   69 Négatif
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Investtech guarantees neither the entirety nor accuracy of the analyses. Any consequent exposure related to the advice / signals which emerge in the analyses is completely and entirely at the investors own expense and risk. Investtech is not responsible for any loss, either directly or indirectly, which arises as a result of the use of Investtechs analyses. Details of any arising conflicts of interest will always appear in the investment recommendations. Further information about Investtechs analyses can be found here disclaimer. The content provided by is NOT SEC or FSA regulated and is therefore not intended for US or UK consumers.

Investtech guarantees neither the entirety nor accuracy of the analyses. Any consequent exposure related to the advice / signals which emerge in the analyses is completely and entirely at the investors own expense and risk. Investtech is not responsible for any loss, either directly or indirectly, which arises as a result of the use of Investtechs analyses. Details of any arising conflicts of interest will always appear in the investment recommendations. Further information about Investtechs analyses can be found here disclaimer. The content provided by is NOT SEC or FSA regulated and is therefore not intended for US or UK consumers.



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